Turning Point Publications |
The healthcare consultants at Turning Point Healthcare Advisors, Inc., share their expertise with clients and the community at large via a publication called "Executive Checklists." A list of the topics we've addressed appears below.
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Healthcare Executive Checklists
#42 Developing and Fine-tuning a Business Plan #43 Holding a Successful Retreat #44 Analyzing Capacity #45 Medical Staff Development Planning #47 Alleviating ED Crowding Through Process Improvement #48 Strategic Planning #49 Effective Financial Analysis and Financial Forecasts #53 Strategic Master Facility Planning #54 How to Select a Management Consulting Firm #55 Employing Specialists #56 The Intelligent Market Analysis #57 Effective Communication of a CEO's Resignation #58 Special Challenges in Determining Physician Need - New Medicine brings New Demand #59 Web Sites are not Just for Communicating with External Audiences #60 How to Design an RFP that Gets Results #61 A Viable Alternative to a Neuroscience Center of Excellence #62 Calculating ROI for a da Vinci Surgical System #63 Designing a Conflict Management System for Hospitals #64 Medical Staff Engagement Part 1: Physician Supply and Demand #65 Medical Staff Engagement Part 2: Physician Retention #66 The Business of Manners